- Raised in Oceanside, N.Y.
- Graduated from Oceanside High School
- Newsday paperboy for 6 years and maintained yachts on Freeport Nautical Mile
- Varsity Track
- All-County All-State and Eastern Seaboard Percussionist
- Acted in all dramas and musicals in high school
Accepted into the 6-year pre-professional Scholar program at Case Western Reserve University in 1977 graduating with Bachelor of Science and Doctorate in Dental Surgery in 1983
Hospital Residency in General Dentistry at Long Island Jewish Hospital 1983-1984
Dental Career
Started in private practice in July of 1984 in New Hyde Park, N.Y. in the same location to date. Has served as Section Chief- Care for Special Needs Dental Patients. Has mentored dental graduates in treating patients when present with some of the most challenging issues in regard to cooperation, medical compromises, and treatment complexity.
Serves on the Board of Directors of the Nassau County Dental Society and past chairmen of the Ethics Council.
- American Dental Association
- New York State Dental Association
- Nassau County Dental Society
- Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dental Honor Society
- Academy on General Dentistry
- Academy of Osseointegration
- New York Dental Forum
- Dental Consultant for National Fragile X Foundation
Family Life
- Married for 27 years
- Wife-office manager for a visiting doctor
- Son #1-Masters Degree International Economics employed by Citicorp in their affordable housing division
- Son #2-Educationally challenged with Fragile X Syndrome and works in a “work without walls” Day Habilitation program on Long Island
- Hobbies: Basketball, Poker, Reading, and Bike Riding